HRAC Family -
As we prioritize the safety of our entire church family - we will be cancelling our in-person worship service tomorrow morning. We will also be moving our communion celebration to next week Sunday when we are once again gathered together. Be safe and warm!
Ways to Step into Spiritual Formation:
1) SCRIPTURE: We invite you to keep your hearts centered on our 'Armor of God' sermon series by taking time as a family to read through Ephesians Chapter 6. Then, take some time as a family to stop and ponder the promises found in each piece of armor by doing a quick study on the main theme of each. (i.e. - truth, righteousness, salvation, faith, peace, etc.) Be reminded about what is true in our faith!!! Close in prayer together that this week you would choose to put on the armor in the midst of your story and battles.
2) GROWTH & COMMUNITY: Each day this week, Pastor Keith will be sending a short 6-8 minute devotional video that unpacks the 'Breastplate of Righteousness' along with some questions for you to consider. Commit this week to checking in daily with your Community Group to talk about what you are hearing or how you are answering that day's questions. Begin that commitment, by taking the time to send a message or share a phone call with people in your group and take time to pray for one another.
3) WORSHIP: If you want to set an atmosphere of worship in your space - let me share with you some of the songs that we had planned to fill our space with. (It is totally appropriate to turn up the volume!)
4) PRACTICE THE WAY OF JESUS: Put your faith into action by checking on your family, friends, neighbors and those who are most vulnerable in this dangerous weather. If the opportunity presents itself - share a warm meal, some warm clothes, a warm space, a warm conversation, or simply a warm hug.
Love Loud!