Community Group Questions for the Sermon from 04/14/24 - Love God. Love Others. - Week #2

Community Group Questions

  1. How’s the practice of saying the Shema going for you? Have you tried it out? Do you sense God’s invitation to you in any way?

  2. What stood out to you in the message today?

  3. The Shema calls us to love God with all our heart. The Hebrew word for heart is Lev and it means intellect, emotions, desires as well as the organ in your chest. In what way do you find it most natural to love God with your heart? Which is more difficult?

  4. Tina offered two life orientations: Jesus< me > Circumstances,  and me > Jesus > Circumstances. Could you find yourself in either of those orientations? What thoughts and reflections came to mind about your life as it pertains to the illustration?

  5. If we agree that loving God with all we have really is the best thing for us… can you identify what some of the road blocks in life are that keep us from loving God with all of our heart?

  6. Tina talked about practicing delighting in God as he delights in her. How do you experience God’s delight in you? How could you work that into a regular part of your “rule of life”?

  7. The fruit of the Spirit (Love, joy, peace, patience, kindess, goodness, gentleness and self control) is evidence of the transformational work of God in your life. In your group, call out the fruit that you see growing in each other’s lives. Encourage one another.