The consistent question that arises in the life of a believer is, "How do I actually follow Jesus in my real life?" At Hood River Alliance Church, we believe the answer lies in engaging in spiritual practices together, in the context of community. This shared rhythm of life — often called a Rule of Life — helps us align our hearts, minds, and actions with the way of Jesus. Through prayer, scripture, Sabbath, generosity, and acts of service, we seek to embody the love and truth of Christ in our everyday lives.
HRAC Rule of Life
Our covenant together is to be…
A community of rest and worship in a culture of hurry and exhaustion, through the practice of Sabbath.
A community of peace and quiet in a culture of anxiety and noise, through the practice of Solitude.
A community of communion with God in a culture of distraction and escapism, through the practice of Prayer.
A community of love and depth in a culture of individualism and superficiality, through the practice of Community.
A community of courageous fidelity to orthodoxy in a culture of ideological compromise, through the practice of Scripture.
A community of holiness in a culture of indulgence and immorality, through the practice of Fasting.
A community of contentment in a culture of consumerism, through the practice of Generosity.
A community of justice, mercy, and reconciliation in a culture of injustice and division, through the practice of Service.
A community of hospitality in a culture of hostility, through the practice of Witness.