May 22, 2023

Dear Parents,

Our middle school youth ministry is going to be launching a two-week series on “healthy relationships” which will take place June 5th and June 12th.  This is really an opening to the conversation. Our goal is that students would know that God created them and delights in all of them and that even though talking about our changing bodies and hormones and sexuality can be awkward, it is not awkward for God. He created it and he says its good. To follow Jesus is to follow him with our whole lives and that includes our sexuality as well.

After the first talk there will be time for students to write down any questions that they would like answered on the topic. We will collect those and then have a panel on week two that will address those questions.

I recognize that each family has a different level of comfort discussing sexuality, but I'd encourage you to find a few minutes to talk with your teenager about this topic and this mini-lesson. Here are some questions that could fuel your dialogue:

  • Why do you think God created sex? Was it just to fulfill what Genesis 1:28 says about being fruitful and multiplying, or is there an even deeper reason?

  • What are some specific ways our culture takes sex-something that God intends for good-and turns it into something risky, dangerous, and destructive?

  • How well do you treat people of the opposite gender, who are made in God's image? How could you appreciate them in a more Christ-like way?

  • Is there any difference between being wise when making choices about sex and being wise in other areas of life? Why or why not?

  • Why do you think the Apostle Paul said to "run from sexual sin" (1 Cor 6:18)? Why "run" from it?

As always, if you have any questions or reservations about what we are teaching in youth group, please contact me so that we can discuss it.


TINA COMBS|Associate Pastor
Hood River Alliance Church

541.386.2812 x 1009