2022 HRAC Proposed Budget
The HRAC 2021 budget was full of hope that we would be back to “normal” operations in 2021. However, this turned out not to be the case at all. Early in 2021 we realized that our budget was unrealistic and we were going to need to adjust our spending to make sure that we were not operating outside of our level of giving.
The method and rationale for the governing board in creating the 2022 budget was to match the budget to our current operating costs and giving trends. Additionally, in this transition year we needed to figure in higher-than-normal costs for honorariums (worship leading and guest preaching), Vital Church Interim contract expenses, and additional costs for the search team in possibly needing to fly out candidates for lead pastor. Though there are significant cuts in payroll due to a much smaller staff, we budgeted for a full-time youth pastor as well as for projected insurance costs for a new senior pastor and youth pastor.
Lastly, we followed the 2022 cost of living adjustment for social security of 5.9% for all existing staff as well as our projected hires. This came to a General Fund total need of $644,638.04. With giving of 1.5% to the Great Commission Fund and 5% denominational expenses, we have a total budget of $686,539.51. This is a decrease of $216,188.75 from our 2021 budget.
In 2021, as hard a year as it was financially, our General Fund still received $671,400 and total giving of $724,917. With this in mind, the governing board approved the budget presented in the packet of $686,539.51 at the January meeting.
The budget presented will be up for a vote February 27th in a short congregational meeting after our Sunday worship service. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Tina at tcombs@hralliance.org.
HRAC Leadership